Welcome to 2018 and the official launch of The Griffith House Projects’s Blog!

First of all, let me start off with saying “Thank You”!

Thank you for following us on this journey that we are on. We love being able to share what is going on with the house with those who are interested. It truly is an adventure, and adventures are better lived when shared. So thank you for sharing in this with us!

We are very excited to start a blog! It was back and forth as to whether we were ready to commit. You may ask yourself, is a blog really a commitment? Well, if you want to keep people engaged and interested-Yes, it certainly is! Between having a family, jobs and of course the major house renovation, we wanted to be sure we were ready to take it on. Well, eight months later, and after lots of requests and interest in a blog-here we are, ready to commit! Let’s put a ring on it 😉

The plan for the blog is to be able to share more in depth with some of the work we are doing. Through Facebook and Instagram you get “SnapShots” of what is happening-but you do not get much of the “behind the scenes” or the “game plan”! Here, we are going to walk through it with you. Share some of our wins and some of our losses and give you a full idea of all that is going on.

We want to be able to share tips with you on things to do, and things NOT to do. Of course, we are still on a journey learning as we go, and would love to hear from you as well! If you have tips for us and things to share, please take advantage of the comment sections. If there is anything you have questions about or would like us to write a blog about a certain subject, please reach out to us and we would love to do that for you! We want to interact with you!

Check in twice a week for a new blog post! Blogs will be posted by 3pm (Central Time) on Monday’s and Friday’s.

Keep the Renos Comin’
-Austin & Devina Griffith
Griffith House Projects